Everything is Homemade & Handcrafted
"The Best Beauty and Spiritual Treatments Come From Nature Itself." Kizz-N-Taleπ
Repair Body Blemishes, Eczema, Pigmentation, Razor Bumps, Follicles, Baldness, Cuticles, Dead growth cells, Acne, Hormones, Inflammation, Rashes, Cuts, Burns, Scraps, & Excessive Dandruff.
Use Our Aromatherapy Waist Beadz to boost up or gain your Energy Element of your choosing.
Gain your Confidence Back. These handmade handcrafted oils and aromathearpy waist beadz are a great way to take back your natural health, spirituality and beauty.
Safe for ALL AGES!
Come take a break with us, you deserve it!
Start putting ingredients and accessories on your skin you can pronounce and understand!
"Enough Was Enough" 2017 Steven Johnson Syndrome Survivor
"My skin was burning and shedding. Skin products were irritating my skin, and I couldn't pronounce the ingredients I was using.
For years researching the gifts on inner energy healing stones, glass and oils brought me enlightment.
Using only organic herbs and oils I crafted homemade treatments. As I began creating oils and wearing my own waist beadz using energy stones my skin/hair/hormones/cuticles/choosen energy begun to revert back to it's healthy state."
Building Confidence in Everyone!
Get KIZZED by Kizz-N-Tale.π